To accompany the classic arcade title, players will delve into an all new Guilty Gear gameplay experience called 'Guilty Gear Judgment' - a beat-em-up style, side-scrolling action game.
#Guilty gear judgment portable
Paradigm - Es-Watt - Fanny - Izuna - Judgment - Kakusei Ky - Kakusei Sol - Leopaldon - Robo-Ky II - Valentine - Zako-DanĢcave - Anders - Alexis - Alyssa - April - Aria Hale - Ariels - Augus - Axus - Baldias - Byon - Cecile - Chronus - Crow - Da-Eum - Daryl - Delilah - Eddie - Ellsworth - Febby - Gabriel - Gig - Hapinus XXVII - Hirofumi Unchou - Ian - Inus - Janis - June - July - Lumin Kadooki - Kate Walther - Leap - Libraria - Malcolm Myers - March - Megumi - Millia's admirer - Ming Wei - Nekomata - Neo - Noel - Novel - Octy - Randy - Raymond - Sephy - Sharon - Sheriff - Stryper - That Man - The Original - Trey - Tsuyoshi - Udo - Vernon E. The following are known CWCheat Codes for Guilty Gear Judgment on Sony Playstation Portable (PSP). REVIEW: In Guilty Gear Judgment, players can re-experience the fast paced action of Guilty Gear X2 Reload on the go with Sony's Playstation Portable. Not because old-school fanboys need the love.
#Guilty gear judgment psp
Baldhead/ Faust - Elphelt Valentine - Giovanna - Goldlewis Dickinson - Happy Chaos - I-No - Jack-O' Valentine - Jam Kuradoberi - Johnny - Justice - Kliff Undersn - Kum Haehyun - Ky Kiske - Leo Whitefang - May - Millia Rage - Nagoriyuki - Potemkin - Ramlethal Valentine - Raven - Robo-Ky - Sin Kiske - Slayer - Sol Badguy/ Order-Sol - Testament - Venom - Zappa - Zato-ONE/ EddieĬhimaki - Dr. Reminiscent of classic side-scrolling fighters like Knights of the Round, Double Dragon or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Guilty Gear Judgment is a traditional brawler dressed in unworn clothing. The latest chapter in the ever-expanding Guilty Gear fighting series, Guilty Gear Judgment is a stark reminder that the PSP needs more 2D games. He can be unlocked by collecting all of the letters that spell his name in Stage 6-1.
#Guilty gear judgment series
He is the final boss, as well as a powerful unlockable character. Guilty Gear Judgment brings the bizarre characters and exaggerated fighting styles of the Guilty Gear series to the PSP.

A.B.A - Anji Mito - Answer - Axl Low - Baiken - Bedman - Bridget - Chipp Zanuff - Dizzy - Dr. Judgment is a character in Guilty Gear Judgment.